
⚜️O etapă importantă pentru absolvenții 2024, s-a sfârșit. 👏

⚜️Felicitări pentru efortul depus și pentru rezultatele obținute.🤗

8 comentarii

  1. “You lettin’ the beard grow on your face, I see, son?” His father asks him, as his head bumps up under the chin of his towering son. “Nope.” He says. Flatly. As he runs his hand over his still steely-hard length of his curved cock.

  2. “Yes, sir.” He says as he straightens up, standing erect as his member pulses to life between his legs, and in his father’s right hand, which are firmly locked on his balls. “Yes, sir, I do.” “That is your cock, son.” His father, says. “…but it does not make you a man. It only makes you a boy with a hard cock in his hand.”

  3. “Maybe his dad is right.” He thinks to himself as he continues with his intense fondling of his fiery red cock. “Lookin’ good, son. Lookin’ good.” His dad says over the stream of the warm cleansing water as it caresses his mature man body.

  4. “Coach told us. To go beat off. Seeing all those tents in our shorts; he said we should have all been working out naked. Our shorts weren’t covering up, anything, as our cock’s periscoped out and over the elastic waistbands of our shorts.” He says to his dad as he steps from the shower.

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